broncoscouple05-01-2008 14:21
hey, hey, hey! ja hem rebut el mis i la postal!! quina ilu! Thanks a lot i, of course, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! esperem que us estigui anant d conya el viatge! De fet us queden pocs dies a l' Índia així que disfruteu!! i quan estigueu per Australia envieu algun mail explicant i a veure si parlem d l'Agost que aquí ja estem fent calaix! molts petons!
Katrine03-12-2007 19:45
Sooooooooooonnn, you will be in Amritsar. I hope it's gorgeous. Speaking of which, I saw "Jab we met," yesterday with Shahid Kapoor. HE IS GORGEOUS!!! If you see him can you tell him that I fancy him, a teeny bit, and that I don't mind having a large part in his next film - thaaaaanks.

Hugs to you alllll.
broncoscouple01-12-2007 21:36
ei noiets!! how is it goig? We're in òscar's house and we've been looking for flights to Australia, we've decided next Christmas we won't go anywhere, instead we'll save to visit u next summer! Have fun, take care, kill all the spiders, and Jett don't eat too much sugar and Tiffany enjoy in India, watch a lot of bolly films and eat curry! petons
Marina30-11-2007 00:53
Hola makuus!

Ja sé que sols fa un dia que sou fóra, però tenir un germà que s'envà a donar la volta al món (o a una part) es molt emocionant. Hey, quina enveja que em fots tio, però escolta, gracies a tu, d'aquí a uns anys, no em tallaré pas un pél si vull marxar ;)

Espero que tot us vagi molt bé i que no tingueu cap imprevist gros... Segur que serà una experiència inolbidable. Us desitjo el millor del món.

Milers de petonets i una gran abraçada pels tres.

Molta sort, o com es diu al teatre, ¡MOLTA MERDA!

Anna28-11-2007 01:05
Albeeert! Ara vinc del Mirallet de "despedir-te". Encantada de veure't i de nice to meet you el nen i la Tiffany another time. Sigueu mooolt feliços aquests mesos, tingueu un viatge meravellós i no oblideu rees del que veieu....:)
nosé si el concurs és aquí però: Ferry!
abraçades gegants i tones de soort! :*
Gjøa Ree-Lindstad15-11-2007 12:30
Hei Tiffany. Morsomt å følge med på turen nedover i Europa! Vi har nå fått CD på espern som du la igjen til oss. Den er nydelig å se på, og skal brukes.... Tusen takk for at du gjorde den jobben. Håper dere får et fint opphold i Spania, og god tur videre! Hilsen Gjøa
Katreera, (the ever living).09-11-2007 11:17
Today Belgium, tomorrow - the WORLD!!! So cool to follow your epic journey - yaay and woo. As soon as I get a job, we'll start saving to go and see all of the little convicts in the land of.....convicts. Much love, the pohm, and the pohm wannabe.
Carme Sayós07-11-2007 00:00
Bona nit de nou. Ja veieu, encara no sóc a dormir, però tinc una notícia que pot ser del vostre interès: un amic nostre (de la colla), viu als Emirats Àrabs. Ell és genet i domador de cavalls i també volta per tot el món (una mica com vosaltres). Ara, creiem que és a Dubai, però si us interessa podríem obtenir més informació i donar-vos un cop de mà pel tema de l'allotjament.

Un altre petonet a tots.

Carme Sayós06-11-2007 23:42
Per cert, he anat tan ràpid a escriure (perquè aquesta setmana m'és molt dura en reunions i Comissions aborrides i tinc son), Maastritch no és una ciutat massa maca, en canvi La Haia o Utrech (a Holanda) o Strasbourg (a França) o just la ciutat al costat d'Strasbourg, Frieburg (a Alemanya), valen molt més la pena. :)

Un petonet.

Carme Sayós06-11-2007 23:28
Escolteu (bé, llegiu),això de l'anglès és molt culte, però si no us fa res, escriuré en català, que m'expresso millor (així no l'oblides, Albert) :)

Una abraçada i molta sort (quina enveja més podr..., ejem!).

K - wha?06-11-2007 12:45
Here are some fun things to do on your journey:
1, Count how many words you actually understand when yous are in Denmark.
2, See how many tourists you can kill by opening the passenger door.
3, For every non-obnoxious French person you meet - you are entiteled to a free snack(better make a packed lunch).
4, Pick fights with each other starting with this subject: Adam and Eve didn't have belly buttons - for and against - stick to your opinion for life.
5, Lie about obvious things, ie: "Where are we now"? "Oh, we've just crossed the border into Azerbadsjan".
6, Shout out, loudly, "knock knock" or "ring ring" everytime you see a postbox or a phone booth. Hours of entertainment for the whole family.
7, When booking into a hotel make sure you tell them mindless facts about their country: "Did you know that out of 21 countries in Europe, Germany is the cheapest place for shopping? Not only is Germany the cheapest, but the range of products is often very much different to what’s available in the UK."
8, Be very load and obnoxious whenever you have to show your passport. Waft your passport about like a flag to draw attention to yourselves.
9, Say: "Yea, whatever", whenever anyone welcomes you into their country.
10, At the poshest hotel in town, innocently enquire if it was recently refurbished and if it used to be a morgue/mortuary.

Enjoy enjoy enjoy.
grethe kirkerud06-11-2007 09:13
Lykketil på reisen!! Jeg vil følge med dere, og ønsker dere alt godt:)

klem grethe
Miguel Garcia (pelroig)05-11-2007 20:14
Hey, as I wrote in Facebook, I am living in Copenhagen currently. Unfortunately I am renting a room so I cannot offer you a place to stay, but if you find the time, we can meet for a beer. I know where the Hotel Nebo is, it is very centrally situated and... you will see the area ;) Just make me a call and I will go to you (+4520721065)
Linda Stewart05-11-2007 17:01
I'd heard rumours, but now you're actually leaving Espern?? No more Quigong, yoga or bellydance (call it what you like...)? I'm missing you allready Tiffany. Have a great trip though. It sounds exciting. Remember to taste Limburgse Vlaai in Maastricht. Take care!
patry05-11-2007 16:01
hey nice web site!!! Hope to see you soon, actually you must be here before the 17th, 'cause i want to spend my bday with you. Have fun, take care and safe journey! molts petons!!
Katrine (again).05-11-2007 09:35
Katrine05-11-2007 09:31
Yeeeeeeeeeeeessss!!! I am first. Power of the dragonfly to you (And the swiftnes of she-ra and he-man. Yous go good people. Excellent web site, very impressed.
Many blessings to you both. We'll speak soon.
Safe and fun journey. Woo and Yaaaay.